30mm Piezo Alarm Buzzer 9V

30mm*9mm,12V, 15 mA 2600Hz, piezo buzzer, by varying its frequency, the buzzer can produce distinct tones, continuous sound, making it adaptable for different alerts and applications.external drive, piezoelectric, piezo indicator buzzer, piezo sounder

The GJ-P3009 Passive Piezo Alarm Buzzer for Versatile Applications

The GJ-P3009 passive piezo buzzer is a reliable and efficient sound solution ideal for various electronic devices. This compact buzzer is crafted from durable Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) material, ensuring robust performance and longevity in demanding environments. Its slim 30mm diameter and 9mm height make it perfect for designs.

As a passive component, the piezo alarm buzzer requires an external drive signal, offering flexibility to adjust tone and volume according to specific application needs. It produces a clear and crisp sound output, making it suitable for alarms, timers, and notification systems in industries like automotive, consumer electronics, and industrial controls.

The piezo alarm buzzer features a straightforward wire design, simplifying installation and integration into printed circuit boards (PCBs). Its low power consumption makes it energy-efficient, ensuring minimal impact on the overall power budget of your device

key Features:

  • Passive operation for customizable sound
  • ABS has excellent heat resistance(-20~80°C) and provides a certain level of resistance to acids, alkalis, and oils.
  • Clear and reliable audio output
  • Low power consumption
  • Compact 30x9mm dimensions
  • Wide Operating Voltage Range:3v~15v
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for electronic applications.
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